DETEKS CHEMICAL IND. Inc. is committed to ensure the health, safety for everyone in the workplace, including all employees, entrepreneurs and other visitors.

DETEKS CHEMICAL IND. Inc. shows its commitment in this context through the health and safety management system that it combines with all activities related to products, services and people within the organization.

DETEKS CHEMICAL IND. Inc. employees, contractors and visitors have duties to consider; take responsibility for safe work, take all reasonable precautions for their own health and safety, and consider the health and safety of all other people who may be affected.

DETEKS CHEMICAL IND. Inc. will take all reasonable and practicable steps to improve occupational safety conditions by utilizing appropriate experts and/or outsourcing when needed in all relevant activities.

DETEKS CHEMICAL IND. Inc. makes the following commitments:

  • To create an occupational safety culture by encouraging the active participation of all employees, contractors and visitors within the scope of developing and supporting the measures to be taken to improve ISG.
  • Establish and maintain relevant policies, procedures, systems, information, training, promotion programs and organizational structures to support and deliver effective ISG practices within the organization.
  • To comply with all applicable ISG related legislation, regulations and standards.
  • Implementing risk and hazard management systems related to risks within the organization.
  • Provide safe workplace and equipment for controlled work.
  • To provide appropriate ISG training for all relevant personnel.
  • Establishing an annual ISG program to improve health and safety in the workplace.
  • Allocate adequate resources to improve ISG performance continuously.
  • Provide regular health surveillance for employees.


We declare and undertake to actively intervene and investigate all incidents and to ensure that injured employees return to appropriate jobs at the earliest opportunity through fair claims, management and rehabilitation practices.