“Zero Waste” is a goal defined as a waste management philosophy that aims to prevent waste, make more efficient use of resources, review the causes of waste generation to prevent or minimize waste generation, and ensure separate collection and recycling of waste if it occurs at the source.

The Zero Waste System is a 7-stage roadmap consisting of steps that companies, institutions, or establishments must follow to be included in the Zero Waste:

  1. Identification of focal points,
  2. Current Situation Analysis,
  3. Planning,
  4. Identification & Procurement of Needs,
  5. Training & Awareness,
  6. Implementation,
  7. Reporting.

Deteks Kimya was entitled to receive the Zero Waste Certificate by establishing the Zero Waste Management System in accordance with the Zero Waste Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 12/07/2019 and numbered 30829.